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Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Apr 05, 2022
In Writing
Book review: The Monk who sold his Ferrari Somewhere, have we lost our life? 21st century globalized world with illusion of people. How much of us grasps insight the books though we trend as bibliophile? From the lakhs of people who read books, thousands are those who knows it's basic idea from that only hundreds somehow understand the inner concepts, now more counting down we will get only a few that truly believe it. "It’s not what you will get out of the books that are so enriching, it is what the books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life.” lines from the fictional book 'The Monk who sold his Farrari' by Robin Sharma, reviewing this book is a great pleasure to encourage the mass with the marvelous ideas of living alive. At the inception of the book there is a line "When the student is ready the teacher will appear" denotes that the reader have to be keened within itself to gain the ubiquitous knowledge then path of perseverance is acquired gently. The book attached a promise between the characters Julian Mantle and the John, also implies to the readers to share the words of honour to more other needy persons. Living in the tumultuous world today, this book lays out the strategies of brimful living with the seven indubitable lessons if one follows it with the true heart. Self love by investing on ourselves, boundaries are limited by us, conceptualizing the purpose of life with service, spiritual development of mind, opportunities are determined by us are some sententious crux of the book which bounds me to earmark the book again and again. But everything can't be flawless somewhere there will be stumbling blocks that pulls it behind. "Life doesn’t always give you what you ask for, but it always give you what you need." Is it? What is the need of a beggar, a simple earning family, or the bourgeoisie what they want? If the society has pubbing boys it also has clubbing men who can look after the societal tensions like: the poor elders at the old-aged homes, orphanage, cancer patients and many more but what happens is the greed that drags people and avert their heart from the selfless services to the selfish trail. Following up the 21-days rule always can't be applicable as dealing with the nuts and bolts of digitized globe, everyone can't follow the exact rules as provided in the book. Though the book inspire to the thorough corner of one's life but some of its considerations on certain extremity can't be approved. The backstory behind the sequence of lessons reveals in the last chapters that tempts me to embolden proletariat and youth to peruse it for once. What is reality is illusion and what is illusion is reality - the naked true of today's life. We carry a lot of burdens, oppression, remorse, anxious thoughts, loathe and what not but what makes us humane is the humongous tranquility of love, kindness and devotion to the service of others. Finally to end up with a line again from the book, "Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is." The possibilities and rectifying the drawbacks will help the upcoming generation to evolve from every spheres of life. Therefore, the book is the worth one to read.
book review content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Mar 31, 2022
In Writing
মৰমী, চিকিমিকি সন্ধিয়া, জোনাকে দিয়া চিঠিখন পঢ়িলা নে তুমি? দুৰণিৰ তোমাৰ হাঁহিটিলৈ আজি বাৰুকৈ মনত পৰিল, নাজানো জানা, কিয় ৰৈ গলো আজি, ভালে আছা? ঘৰৰ সকলোৰে ভাল নে? ক্ষন্তেক সময় ধৰ্য্য ধৰা এই যুদ্ধ শেষ হব; অন্তিম বাৰলৈ লিখিছোঁ এই পত্ৰ, ধেইত! নহয় অ, ভয় নাখাবা। আকৌ লগ পাম তোমাক, অতি শীঘ্ৰে ঘৰলৈ যাম। মই ভাল পোৱা আঞ্জাকন বনাই থবা, এইবাৰ মন ভৰাই খাম। নাজানো জানা কিয় হৈ এই যুদ্ধ? ক্ষমতাৰ নাম শক্তি উপাৰ্জনেৰে কিয় দিয়া হয়? কিয় নাজানে অসহায় সামান্য জনতাৰ দুৰ্বলতা? সঁচাকৈ নাজানো, কিন্তু মন যাই সকলো সমালোচনাৰ অন্ত যেন শান্তিপূৰ্ণ ভাৱে শেষ কৰোঁ, সভ্যতা আঁৰত কিয় কিমানযে কু-মনোভাৱ সোমাই আছে? লিখিবলৈ জানা বহুত কথায়ে আছে, কিন্তু এই মুহূৰ্তত যদি থমকি ৰৈ যাও ঘৰ জানো যাব পাম? তোমাৰ খবৰ লম দিয়া ঘৰলৈ গৈ; শেষ হব আমাৰ এই অবিৰত অপেক্ষা। তোমাৰ সৈনিক
অপেক্ষা তোমাৰ  content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Mar 27, 2022
In Writing
One day changed my everyday, My pain, terribly-unbearable Horrified at your eyes, you never knew how dread my heart was. Soften form smooth flesh eager to grap. Floor outpour bleed, Clothes fell over stairs, Hairs snatched, face ripped up, arms curved, legs kneeled down, body torn-down to gobble the vulgur lips, Mouth don't hold my breath dragging me to hall, Pressing neck to halt screams left imprints still. Seeping organs in succession what not left over to dead. Fortuitously saved to recite episodes in times by design. Lucky is the bird that fly laying in stretcher I aspire, Who knows the agony of mine? Seconds resemble threads of threat memories what effective medicines are these? Scared to the face mirror, Petrified to see liquid, Corpse at own room. Nothing besmirch culprits, Society patronizes me and this is humanity, No one knew what pain flowing over me...... From ancient Drapati's tales to today's Nirvaya, not a victim but a survivor........ Being a narrator, I simply recount and indeed not felt it Are these words enough to cease this crime? Melancholy shuts voices down. Thank you #Arunav for helping..........
The bird that fly content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Mar 16, 2022
In Writing
কবিতাৰ পৃষ্ঠা এবাৰ হলেও পঢ়িলা নে? কাহিনীৰ প্ৰতিটো কথাত তুমি যে আছিলা কাহিনী বুজিলা নে? প্ৰেমৰ বিনিময়ত প্ৰেম পোৱাটোয়ে ভাল পোৱা নে? কিমান যে অনুকল্পনা চিয়াঁহিৰে বৈছে, জানো হৈছে প্ৰেম? নে মাথো ৰৈ যাব কবিতাৰ পৃষ্ঠাত কাহিনীৰ খণ্ডত অভিলাশ আৰু স্নিগ্ধাৰ সদৃশ্য প্ৰেম? এয়া দিলোঁ চৰিত্ৰৰ নাম। আমাৰ প্ৰেম........ স্নিগ্ধা: অনুভূতিবোৰক আকৌ এবাৰ আৱৰি ললোঁ, বৰ কষ্টকৰ হয়ও এই অনুভূতিবোৰ, নাই কাৰোবাক কব পাৰি নাই কাৰোবাক বুজাব পাৰি, মাথোঁ ৰৈ যায় হৃদয়ৰ গোপন কথা। শিতানৰ গাৰোটোয়ে হে জানে অশ্ৰু বোৰৰ ভাৰ কিমান....... কিয়? নুসুধিবা, কেনেকৈ? নুবুজিবা, মাথোঁ ৰৈ যাঁও তোমাৰ নামত। অভিলাশ: আবেগবোৰে যে খামুচে, সেয়া সামৰিবলে বৰ সহ্যহীন। তথাপিও আপোনাৰ বাঁও ফালৰ ওঁঠৰ তলৰ তিলটোত মোৰ সমস্ত উদাসীনতা সমাপ্ত হৈ পৰে। সেইবাবে, আজি আপোনাক মই কম মোৰ প্ৰেমৰ কথা, দিম আপোনাক মোৰ প্ৰেমৰ প্ৰস্তাৱ আৰু প্ৰশ্নহীন হৈ আঁকোৱালি লম আপোনাৰ নিৰ্ণয়। স্নিগ্ধা: আজি বিচাৰোঁ সময় যেন স্তব্ধ হৈ ৰওঁক, কয় হেনো প্ৰেমৰ আন এক নাম ত্যাগ..... সফল নামৰ প্ৰেমৰ সুখত কৈ মই অসফল প্ৰেমৰ অনুভূতিত জীয়াই ভাল পাওঁ, কাহিনীৰ কথাত আৰু কি লিখিম আজি? ইয়াতে সামৰো আমাৰ প্ৰেম....... কিন্তু প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি দিছোঁ, আকৌ আহিম শৰতৰ শেৱালী হৈ, শীতৰ সেই ৰাতিপুৱা সেমেকা নিয়ৰৰ দলিচাত, আকৌ লগ পাম কৃষ্ণচূড়া ছাঁহে আৱৰা পদুলিত, আকৌ কথা পাতিম তোমাৰ মুখ ফুলোৱা লৰালিৰ খঙত অভিমানৰ নিচুকণিত, আকৌ চাম তোমাক মোৰ ভাল লগা কলা সাজত, এইবাৰ আকৌ নাছিম দুয়োয়ে চকুত চকু থৈ, আৰু দৰ্শকে কৈ ৰৱ " ৱাহ! কি _Chemistry_" অভিলাশ: আৰু তেতিয়া আপুনি মই নুকুৱাকৈ বুজিব মোৰ মনৰ পৰিস্থিতি....... কিমান যে হাঁহিম কিমান যে নাছিম দুয়োয়ে, আহিব সেই দিন হব মাথোঁ আমাৰ। স্নিগ্ধা: জানো মই, তুমি যে নিশা ভাল পোৱা, হব বিচাৰোঁ তোমাৰ জোন? অভিলাশ: অনুমতি দিছোঁ... স্নিগ্ধা: কিয়? অভিলাশ: যিহেতু, নিশাৰ জোনেতো নুবুজে মোৰ মনৰ বেথা। স্নিগ্ধা: কিন্তু, কেতিয়াবা সেই জোনও আঁউসীৰ জোন হৈ পৰে ও....... অভিলাশ: তেন্তে হেৰুৱাই দিম নিকি আপোনাক? স্নিগ্ধা: দুবৰিৰ চোতালত মনৰ শিতানত ৰাখিবা সযতনত। মই তোমাৰ শোণিতৰ অন্ধ্ৰে অন্ধ্ৰে থাকিম.... কেতিয়াবা নিজানত মোৰ মুখনি আঁকিবা তোমাৰ বুকুৰ কেনভাছত, কেতিয়াবা মোৰ মিছিকিয়া হাঁহি বিচাৰিবা দুপাল তিতা বৰষুণত, মই ভাল পোৱা পুৰণি বেবেৰি গানবোৰ গুণ গুনাই ফুৰিবা..... জীৱনৰ শেষৰলৈকে তোমাৰ হাত ধৰি নাথাকিলেও তোমাৰ মন-মগজটো মইয়েই থাকিম। অভিলাশ: সেয়াই হব মাথোঁ আমাৰ পৃথিৱী, সদৃশ্য পৃথিৱী, তাত তুমি তোমাক আৰু মই মোক অৰ্থাৎ থাকিব আমাৰ প্ৰেম। স্নিগ্ধা: এয়া, পোৱায়ে নাপাই আৰু নোপোৱায়ে পায়, অভিলাশ: এয়াই, মোৰ "আপুনি নামৰ প্ৰেম" স্নিগ্ধা: এয়াই, মোৰ "তোমাৰ আপুনি নামৰ প্ৰেম" স্নিগ্ধা আৰু অভিলাশ: " আমাৰ প্ৰেম" তেতিয়ালৈ ফাগুনৰ সৰাপাতত সামৰো আমাৰ প্ৰেম। Especial thanks to Nomi siso and dimpi frn in editing.
আপুনি - ৩ content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Mar 09, 2022
In Writing
সপোনৰো শেষ নাই দিঠকে কয়, ঠিক এনেদৰে মোৰ কল্পনাৰো শেষ নাই কলমৰ চিয়াঁহীয়ে কয়। কিছুমান প্ৰশ্নৰ উত্তৰ নিদিয়াকৈ স্থান পায়, কবিতা পঢ়িলে নে? কাহিনী বুজিলে নে? কি বুজিলে নো পঢ়ি? কিজানি নুফুটা উঠত ঊষাহী কথা উত্তৰ স্বৰূপে আহে...........? তোমাৰ আপুনি নামৰ প্ৰেম....... যান্ত্ৰিক উন্নত পৃথিৱীৰ তুমি এজন সু- ব্যাসাৰী, তাতে মই হলো কল্প সাহিত্যিক জীয়ৰী..... প্ৰথম দিনা তোমাক লগ পাওতে ইমান যে সৰু পোৱালি দৰে আছিলা, মনৰ সৰু সৰু কথাবোৰ লৰালীকালৰ সুৰেৰে কৈছিলা, আজিও মনত আছে সেই দিনটো জানা..... হয়! বহুদিনে হল তোমাক দেখা, চাওঁ তোমাক, নেদেখা ভাও জুৰি, তুমি জানো জানা? মইও জানো মই চালে যে তুমি ৰঙা লাজৰ আবিৰ হানিবা..... প্ৰত্যেক দিনা চাওঁ তোমাক, কোনোবা এদিনা নেদেখিলে বিচাৰি ফুৰোঁ তোমাৰ ঠিকনা..... নিশা তোমাৰ প্ৰিয়, হব বিচাৰোঁ তোমাৰ জোনাক...... জানো, কলেজলৈ যে দেৰি কৈ আহা, ক্লাছত দেৰিকৈ সোমোৱা, ৰাতিৰ টোপনিকন কোন সময়ত পূৰ কৰা? চকুৰ পতাট ঠিকনা বিচাৰি থকা সপোনবোৰ ক'তনো পাৰ বান্ধা? নুফুতা উঠৰ ঊষাহী ঊষাহী কথা মোৰো মনত ৰৈ যায়..... দীঘল চুলিৰ লৰা মই ভাল পাওঁ তাতে তোমাৰ আগফালৰ কেঁকোৰা চুলি কেইডাল মই চাওঁ, কলা ৰং মোৰ তেনেই প্ৰিয়, হয়তো তুমি নাজানা....... তাতে তুমি যেতিয়া কলা কাপোৰ পিন্ধা তেতিয়া মোৰ মন যাই কব, "তোমাৰ নিজাকৈ সাজি লোৱা পৃথিৱীত মোক প্ৰৱেশ কৰিবলৈ অনুমতি দিবা, তোমাৰ আপুনি নামৰ প্ৰেম মই 'আমি' হৈ চিৰ-যুগমীয়া কৰি তুলিম।" বেদান্ত এ কবিতাত কৈ "তুমি এশ বাৰ নাকচ কৰা মই হাজাৰ বাৰ প্ৰেমত পৰিম।" মই মোৰ কবিতাত কম "তুমি এবাৰ প্ৰস্তাৱ দিয়া মই নুশুনা কৈ তোমাৰ হৈ পৰিম।"
আপুনি -২ content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Mar 03, 2022
In Writing
শব্দৰ সমাহাৰলৈ কবিতাৰ আকৃতি দিবলৈ আজি আকৌ আহিছোঁ..... হয়টো! কিছু কাহিনী ঋতু হৈতে নহয়, চিৰজীৱন অমৰ হয়..... কাহিনীৰ সংগ্ৰাম কৰী কবিতাৰ খণ্ডত প্ৰকাশ কৰা মোৰ এই নুতন প্ৰয়াস, তেন্তে কিছু নুফুটা অনুভূতিৰ কাহিনী কবিতাৰ আকৃতিত......... আপুনি নামৰ প্ৰেম....... আপোনাক যে প্ৰথম দেখা দিনটো..... দিনটোলৈ মনত পৰে কৃষ্ণচড়ায়ে আৱৰা পদুলিত যেতিয়া আপুনি খোজ কাঢ়ি আহিছিল মই বৰ ব্যাকুল হৈ আছিলোঁ, কেনেকৈ আপোনাক মাতিম? কেনেকৈ আপোনাক মোৰ পৰিচয় দিম? হয়টো আপুনি নাজানে আপোনাক যে আপুনি বুলি মাতিবলৈ বৰ কষ্টকৰ, তথাপিও আপোনাৰ বেকা চাউনী আৰু মিচিকিয়া হাঁহিত মোৰ মন মতলীয়া হৈ পৰিছিল। নেদেখা জনক এবাৰ হলে ও কব মন গৈছিল, আপোনাক যে ইমান ভাল পাওঁ........... আপোনাৰ কাজল হনা দুচকুলৈ কলেজলৈ যেতিয়া আহে, সময়ৰ অধীনত চলা আপুনি হাতত পিন্ধা ঘড়ীটোলৈ যেতিয়া বাৰে বাৰে চাই থাকে, অলকা দুডাল ওলোৱা চুলি ঠিক কৰি ব্লেজাৰটো যুকাৰে, হায়! তাতে মোৰ মন বিচলিত হৈ পৰে। কেণ্টিনত আপোনাক কেতিয়াও দেখা নাপালোঁ, ক্লাছ শেষ কৰি আপুনি সদায় গুচি যায়.....এবাৰো মোলৈ ঘূৰি নাচাই, আপুনি চাগৈ জানে আপুনি চালে মই লাজত ৰঙা পৰিম। কবিতা লিখিবলৈ মোৰ আজি বিশেষ শব্দও নাই, আপোনাৰ অভিলাপি মন বুজাটোৱে বহুত টান, প্ৰেম ভাল পোৱা আগতে বহু বাৰ কৰিছোঁ কিন্তু এনে যেন নহয়....... কোৱা নুকুৱা নুফুটা উঠৰ দুটি কথা মনতে ৰৈ যায়...... জনাব মইও নিবিচাৰোঁ আপোনাক মোৰ প্ৰেম, নিবিচাৰোঁ আকৌ এবাৰ ভাল পাব, মাথোঁ বিচাৰোঁ আপুনি মোৰ কাষেৰে পাৰ হৈ যাব আৰু আপোনাক চাই মই ৰৈ যাম...... আৰু 'আপুনি' নামৰ প্ৰেম কাহিনী সদায় মোৰ কাষত অমৰ হৈ ৰৱ।
আপুনি- ১ content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Oct 14, 2021
In Writing
(Door opened) Anir: Ma'am, May I come in? Rita: Yes! Come in. Anir: Thank you Ma’am. Rita: Have a sit. Anir: Yes Ma’am. Rita: So, Anir tell me about yourself. Anir: Myself Anir Sharma from Delhi, an undergraduate in English. I like fashion designing and the creative writing in the real scenario of life. Recently, I exp……….. Interrupting Rita: Okay! Fine….. I won’t ask you how are you here. You too have some personal space and I will respect that. Now, how would you like to change this world? Anir: Giving equal rights to both girls and boys. A boy may have the dreams of watching the world with variety of colours especially pink. A girl can wear what is wants according to respect and can be late at night for various reasons. For me, I think providing opportunity to both without any discrimination and judgment will someway or other change our world to the bright colours of rainbow. Rita: Okay….. Good. Do you have any frustration in afterlife? Anir: Most probably not. After 2 months living in shock I have overcome the fear and anger recently. Rita: Do you blame anyone for your situation? Anir: There is nothing to blame they too didn’t know what they had done. I was bedridden for 2 months without any words slowly becoming burden to my parents. I am fine with this new way of afterlife but I feel sorry for my parents as they have never expected that and now losing me have made them lost themselves. But they too have to overcome the grief. Rita: How have you brought such positivity only within 3 months? Anir: I was optimistic guy from my childhood. My parents always gave me positivity so I have to be that. It’s a matter of my parents respect after all. Rita (smiling): Okay! Okay! I have done so many interviews but no one is like you like such a forgiving nature. How can you? Anir: Time doesn't spare anyone. It is written in Mahabharata that the people who does wrong to others will also get worse in this world itself. There is always both good and bad in this world. The bad happen to me doesn't mean bad for others. Let's pray for their good. Rita: This is not that world you know. Anir: Yes Ma'am I know, but ma'am I am sorry can I ask you one question? Rita: Formally it is not allowed but as you're not like others to whom I had interviewed, all were frustrated thinking of revenge. I will give you a chance. Go ahead. Anir: How do you here? I know its personal and you also gave me some space but I m bound to ask such a nice person I met in this one month, I can't believe such a thing might happen to you? Rita (with patience): I have been here since more than 12 years ,due to my husband. Anir: What? Rita (smiling): Yes... It is. No worries my husband had paid for his deeds. We met each other in the college and felt in love. I was so madly in loved with him than anyone would do so he took the advantages. Everything was normal we had a great life, me, my daughter, three years old son and my husband. But every night it was like hell. Any mistakes its like I m dragged to death. He abused me like normally it was like love punishment and when I realized it, it was too late. I even couldn't think what was wrong going on. (Rita seeping herself) I tried to killed him but what we have in so-called-society to follow your husband till death had stopped me and stopped me................ I couldn't bear my pain anymore and I left behind............... just a pen, paper and my hanging corpse. Anir: Have you forgiven him? Rita: Yes, I did and I m here in this place. The one who leave his past forgive his culprits can only take this seat. And so it's yours now, a young gentleman who sees this place as a victims helping center to overcome their problems even after the life. Anir: Thank you for the job. I will do my best. Knock! knock! (Someone opening the door) Some people coming towards the table and chairs but they couldn't see Anir and Rita. One lady suits like manager says, "Come I will show you the cloths of the victims wearing, the equipment they were carrying to protect themselves." Other people following her. It was like a black and white room like museum everywhere mirror with the dresses, accessories of Rape victims. Lady directing her hands towards a shirt says, "Its a new one just 3 months ago, a boy who was raped by his friend's father, a psychic man and spent 2 months in hospital afterwards he died. I think you all can have enough idea from these. You can also see the baby cloths, Burkha, Saree, paper-spray, rope, etc." Someone from people, "The condition is getting worse in the society we need some new elements to remove this illness..............." Lady,"Its just remained words just marching just protesting and at last it takes 8 years and more to get justice so if you really want to do something then................................. I keep this up to you" (Rita and Anir standing side of the room. Their eyes were red with a pale face staring at those alive people. Behind there are many like both of them, blood strain in cloths, half-burned, marks in faces, dried lips and black teethes...... The old women, fine young working ladies, 12 years girl, muslim woman in Burkha, 10 years old boy, 3-4-5 years girls with toy in her hand, a teacher, party-going girls, and many more............) Suddenly, News started reporting in the television of the room, " More than 10,000 pending rape cases in the Indian courts. The conviction rate in rape cases in just less than 32%. Each day close to 90 rape cases are reported in India." It is ironic that rape-crime rates against women are higher in nation where nearly 80% of the population worships Goddess........ I ask a question to all: We celebrate Durga Puja, a greatest Goddess but how many of us mean it? Inspired by Devi, a short film by the Royal Stag Large Short films, Criminal Justice season 1& 2
two-sided room.......... content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Oct 11, 2021
In Writing
তাহানিৰ শৰতও একে আজিৰ দৰে, শেৱালীয়ে আজি ও শৰৎৰ বাট চাই। মাথোঁ সলনি হৈছোঁ মই, এতিয়া শেৱালী ফুলৰ মালা পিন্ধিব মন নাজাই, মন আৰু নাজাই প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি বোৰক বিশ্বাস কৰিবলৈ, কিছুমান অপ্ৰকাশিত অনুভূতি লিখিত ভাষাত ৰৈ আছে। শৰতে আজি মিঠা হাঁহি মাৰে মোৰে মাতত, কিন্তু শৰতে যে নাজানে মই ও বাট চাও তেওঁৰ পৰশত! আজি যদিও জানো শেৱালীয়ে কিয় বাট চাই শৰতক? শৰতেও জানিব লাগে মই কিয় বাদ চাও তেওঁক!
মই কিয় বাট চাও তেওঁক! content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Sep 01, 2021
In Writing
হঠাৎ জোৰেৰে ব্ৰেক মাৰি গাড়ীএখন মানুহগৰাকীৰ সন্মূখত ৰৈ গ'ল। লগে লগে মহিলাগৰাকী থমকি ৰʼল। গাড়ীৰ গাৰ্লচখন খুলি ব্যক্তিজনে ক'লে, হাই! অʼ, তই! ভয় খোৱাই মাৰিবিদেই, বহুত দিনৰ মুৰত দেখিলোঁ, ইমান দিন ক'ত আছিলি? ইমানবোৰ প্ৰশ্ন ইয়াতে সুধিবি নে? আহ, গাড়ীত বহি ল, সকলো উত্তৰ দিম। থিক আছে। অধীৰ- বাকি তই ক' কেনে আছ'? মানু্হজনৰ খবৰ কি? - মই দিল্লীৰ পৰা আহি তেখেতৰ লগত মাৰ ঘৰলৈ আহিছোঁ। এতিয়া তই ক' কেনে আছ'? অধীৰ- মোৰ সেই একেই আৰু বিজনেচৰ কাম চলি আছে, বিয়াখন হে বাকী আছে। আৰু তই পৰিয়াল পৰিকল্পনা কৰিছ নে? - নাই নাই, সেইবোৰলৈ সময় আছে। অধীৰ- বাকী, তাইৰ খবৰ কচোন? -তই আজিও ৰৈ আছ' নে..কথা পাত'? অধীৰ- নাই অ'। -মোৰো কথা-বতৰা হোৱা নাই তাইৰ লগত বহুত দিন। বিয়া পাতিলে চাগৈ, তাইৰ বিষয়ে বিশেষ একো নাজানো। অধীৰ- উম! -কিছুমান বস্তু হেৰাই যায়, কিছুমান আত্মীয় সম্পৰ্ক বা জীৱনৰ আটাইতকৈ শ্ৰেষ্ঠ বন্ধুত্বও চিৰদিনলৈ নাথাকে। আমি বহুত দুখ কৰোঁ কিন্তু আমি চাগৈ সময়ত ঠিক কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টাই নকৰোঁ মাথোঁ নীৰৱ হৈ ৰৈ যাওঁ। পৰিস্থিতিয়ে আমাক হয়টো বাধ্য কৰায়। অধীৰ- হব! তই ছিৰিয়াচ হৈ গ'লি। -মই ছোৱালী এজনী চাই দিম দে, বিয়াখন পতিবি মইও আহিম এওঁৰ লগত। অধীৰ- আঁছে আৰু দুবছৰমান। তই ও মেডাম হৈ ল' নহয়জানো ড° অপৰাজিতা দাস। -হাহা হাহা (হাহিঁ) হয় দেই! আমি কিমান আগবাঢ়ি গ'লো কিন্তু আজিও আমি নিজক সময় দিব নোৱাৰোঁ। তেওঁ নিজৰ কামত যোৰহাটত থাকে আৰু মই দিল্লীত। অধীৰ- সময় দিবলৈ আকৌ জীৱন যে ৰৈ নাথাকে, থাকিব লাগে আমিবোৰ, কʼৰবাত জিৰাই চাহ একাপ খাই লবি, সেয়াই জীৱন আৰু বুজিছ'। -আচলতে জীৱনত কি লাগে জান'? ধৈৰ্য্য, তোৰ মনত আছেনে চতুৰ্থ শ্ৰেণীৰ কথাটো...?মেট্ৰিক পাছ কৰি তোক আকৌ লগ পাওঁতেও কিমান যে সৰু আছিলোঁ আমি; আৰু এতিয়া তই বিয়াৰ কথা আৰু মই সংসাৰ কেৰিয়াৰ এইবোৰত ব্যস্ত, কি যে জীৱন। অধীৰ- সঁচাকৈ। -আৰু তই যে মোক এটা সময়ত সহায় কৰিছিলি তাৰবাবে তোক আজিও বহুত ধন্যবাদ। আগলৈ অধীৰ- সেয়াই আৰু! আমি জীৱনৰ ৰঙীন সপোনৰ ৰামধেনুত ওমলি আছিলো লাহে লাহে ধুমুহাই সকলো উৰুৱাই লৈ গ'ল। আজি তাই চাগৈ ভালে আছে। -আছে দে ভালে। অধীৰ- কোন ফালে? তোৰ বিয়াতেই অহা নহয়, পাহৰিয়ে গ'লো। -ৰাইট টাৰ্ন। অধীৰ- তই ঘৰ পালিহি। -আহ! চাহ একাপ খাই যাবি। অধীৰ- আজি নালাগে দে, বেলেগ এদিন আহিম। -বিয়াৰ পিছত তই অহা নাই এবাৰো, মায়েও সুধি থাকে তোৰ কথা। আকৌ, তই বা কেতিয়া ডিব্ৰুগড় পৰা আহিবি আমিও বেছি দিন তিনিচুকীয়াত নাথাকো। তোৰ উঠিব হোৱাই নাই নে? কিমান দেৰি নোশোৱ আৰু ঐ ছোৱালী। চাহ বনাই থৈছোঁ। মাকৰ মাতত অপৰজিতা সাৰ পাই গʼল। Edited by Babli Dutta especial thanks for helping 💓
শৰতৰ এটি পুৱা content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Aug 29, 2021
In Writing
Nothingness can be a feeling? What is Endless Nothingness? Can you answer? Well, I might not have proper answer to this as I came to know this 'Endless nothingness' words some hours ago while watching the series of WandaVision. What could it be? Time to time analyzing character made me think what they actually feel at that situation and it was same case for the Avengers too. While I was watching Wanda I could feel the pain might not be like her obviously but, little when she lost parents in Cold War, brother while so call (in the imaginary world of Ultron) and at last the Vision (in the Infinity War). She had been vanished for 5 years until everything returned. But what she got by coming back? I might have taken the character too seriously but it made me to. Now I think you can relate to Endless nothingness. Here I wanna say, haven't we felt that once? May be or may not but I feel. It sees like I have every component of mine within myself but still something lacks sometimes. It might be.......... let it be might be. The reason for lost may be War, conspiracy, magic, diseases or us, many thing........ Whatever it may be but we lost something or other somewhere and we can't bring anyway. What we have is to go ahead (1st chapter) and that's the time we decide to live beside broken in pieces but hopes in veins (2nd chapter). We start loving our-self then (3rd chapter). We have memories that binds us to our-self (4th chapter). Pain finds its own way to relief we just need to take the decision to heal. The whole life may be endless emptiness but we have to find the way to live and by the time you will learn living. The decisions we made now eventually decide what will be next? Everything might not be in our hand but I can assure you that you can find pleasure in loneliness too. And the last one of this series in the words of Wanda, "We'll say Hello again..............."
just a feeling 5 content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Aug 13, 2021
In Writing
Have you ever thought if we could live at the present moment than a click? People in this digital world always post their updates, for some instances it is good to aware world of their presence otherwise no one have time to know if you'r alive. And this is what we sometime call life.......... One of my well- wisher said, "Enjoy the moment here, at the present........" We are somewhere in the earth and we couldn't have everything at the same time......... So wherever we are just live at that moments........ When we live at the present moment, it automatically creates a memory. Sometime this memory may be hurting or it may a wonderful moment ever in your life. The first time when father carries his child in his arms; pronouncing the word 'Maa' for the first time, its such a big moment that only a 9-months pain suffering mother will know; every person will remember one of his childhood punishments may be its good or sometimes worse but its for sure we will laugh at those moments; after all hardships when an athlete win a gold medal of his country that's the moment of proud and it don't need any appraisal but it's itself a pride moment of him to represent the nation; wearing national flag of his country at the coffin is the huge dream memory of a soldier; whatever amount of happiness we have it become much and more when it is shared with any street-resider by feeding or helping them; in a special date with someone spending one of the most precious moments of life need no click but an essence of together; etc we could have many memories such like these...... Sometimes some memories doesn't go even deleting photos or removing every single things of them it remains, you'll remember them in some dates or days, in musics or songs, while speaking to someone, in touch of others, laughing at silly things which you had already shared; in reading a story or watching a movie, etc. But there are also some moments in which we laugh at our own memories and experiences; we feel energetic knowing all that; we feel relief to know that whatever happened and the change that came resulted in a positive manner. It might be good or bad but it is our part of life, we have to go with it and that is also a life....... We meet many people, go through many experiences, feels in many different ways but you know what "life is all about to live at the present moment."
just a feeling 4 content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Aug 05, 2021
In Writing
When eyes were met, the feeling of oneness is usual; Slowly the life begins with a new person and continues; everything seems to be fine and suddenly something gets stuck! and that stop the beating of heart, the pumping of lungs, the thinking of mind, the moving of body and the whole environment. Yeah! It is true that........ "Love is absolutely great to those who are not destined to meet" Within the word love, when this word gets decay no one knows; When the world says you'r mine and none to find; Always remember there is something tremendous to lie. The day you touches a body, it creates a instinct of closeness; the way you smells the heart, brings a sensation of fulfillment that flows through all the veins of the nerves; the course of action you takes to gobble the intimacy, produces velvet drops of pleasure to the soul; the procedure in which you satisfy the needs of touch, smell and intimacy is the perfect definition of love, isn't it? But, what about the love that gives you only awaiting, sacrifice and tears? what? that is not love.......... or you just wanna say in syllogism, body is love and soul is nothing? OKAY!!!!! I LEAVE THIS UP TO YOU........ love may come in any field of expression may be in the rains of meteorology, triangles of geometry, equation of chemistry and even in the moments of expecting, hardness of sharing, droplets of eyes, etc One of my batch-mate Manish Das shared his piece of thought "This is for the person who has a heart of 19s But unfortunately born in 21st century" Yes! it is true and it is also not our fault, some are innocent even in this world of digital life who thinks of literary images of love and humanity. But it is unquestionably not right to hurt a person for only your interest, it might be a game for you but a life for someone that had started to live at the first sight of you. Coping up with certain situations need lots of courage and hope and as already described Part 1 & 2 feeling (to know life and only need to initiate); it is also true to love own-self however you are it is obvious sometimes that we don't find the answers and we have to live like that and the world moves on........ Just remember like Parbin Borah's song "Val pabo khuju akow ebar" is not only to love others but to identify yourself in the process of exploration.
just a feeling part 3 content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Aug 03, 2021
In Writing
After all your accomplishment and hard work, you also get more overloaded works. Your are frustrated enough but still to go ahead without any complains. You try to keep your mind cool all the time with all your positive vibes then stress pulls you down. Making your heart strong not to cry but a drop of tear break your self-confidence brain. You cry a lot, a lot that no one to stop but still the burdens seen to be high. Then with all your courage you wake up for yourself, raise your hands, rub your tears and stand for your rights to live a peaceful life. We may find more tougher situation with times but every time it makes us stronger to fight against, the only need is to initiate. REMEMBER: RESPECT LIFE!!! RESPECT DUTY!!! RESPECT ORDER!!! The lines from "Ode to the West Wind" by P.B. Shelly "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" Even though we may get harder and harder at this time but the glorious beauty of upcoming times will be far more peaceful than anything you ever get in light.
just a feeling part 2 content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Jul 30, 2021
In Writing
You'll never know the real feeling of another person. May be surely you'll recognize their feeling but not the exactly same way. It may be love, care, anger, suffering, sadness, guilt, madness,etc. we never ever could know how exactly that person feel. May be, you could feel the same but little or sometimes very worse than them but never exactly the same. The person may be right now want to end his life due to his situation; may be he might fed up of his life but suicide is not his option; or he might have fight against his circumstances but lacks due to financial problems; he had served from all his side but his mistakes pushed him backs; he might have won the whole match but his results drown him again; his health is ruining but he is trying; that's all or might be not, we never know the exact current condition of a person, we might judge them or with sympathy consoled them. And then what? You know what, you might talk of great victories of the Mahabharata but one thing that you are living in this Kaliyug: the one who feed snakes will be bitten. REMEMBER THAT! When you are left all alone suffering from the brain, heart and eyes. People may come to support you but you feel just no need of anyone even when your parents leaves you; your friend betrays you and the love ones cheated you after giving all your best; you are mentally stressed out with your works and no financial back support and that the last moment you are at the disaster................. NOW, YOU'LL QUIT ! END YOUR LIFE ! FINISH EVERY PAIN ! HOLD ON!!!!!!! That the very moment when you survived! After all your possible efforts with the 0% of expectant result but having believe in yourself more than any other person right now is the great food for your subconscious mind. Just have faith in yourself. In this materialistic world of life everyone is alone, the only need is to know the life. The need is to develop your own world within yourself. Loneliness is ones own solidarity experience; sometimes we are all alone or even alone within everyone. Just fly high without any fear of separation or guilt. The world is waiting for you!
just a feeling part-1 content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Jul 06, 2021
In Writing
আচলতে কি জানা? মৰমৰ পৰিভাষা দিয়াটো তেনেই জটিল আৰু শব্দ পৰিকল্পনা কৰি কবিতাৰ আকৃতি দিয়া মোৰ বিশেষ জ্ঞান নাই তথাপিও, আবেগ বোৰে বুকুত হেঁচা মাৰি প্ৰশ্ন উৎপন্ন কৰি দিয়ে, মৰমৰ নো হয় কি? প্ৰথম থিয় হওঁতে দেউতাৰ হাঁহিটো মৰম নহয় জানো উজাগৰি নিশা শুবলৈ মায়ে নিচুকুৱা বোৰে জানো মৰম নহয় শৈশৱৰ ধেমালি টো যেন মৰম কাৰোবাৰ ওঁঠত মিচিকি়ায়া হাঁহিটিও যেন মৰম সঁচাকৈ, মৰমৰ পৰিভাষা নাই যেন শৰতৰ লগত শেৱালী, বহাগৰ লগত কুলি বতাহ জাকে চুই যোৱা সুৰসুৰণি সাগৰ ধৌ বোৰটো বুৰবুৰণি মৰম জানো নহয় প্ৰকৃতিৰ আন এটা নাম আপোন বোৰৰ লগত বিলিন হোৱা এটি সুৰ তাল মৰম এটি অন্তহীন যাত্ৰা নিসংগতা বোৰৰ লগত কেতিয়াবা প্ৰেম কৰি পাইছা? কৰি চাবা! সেয়াও পৰ নহয়, নে! ক'ৰবাত আকৌ হেৰাই গ'ল সেই মৰম? আচলতে কি জানা, মৰমৰ পৰিভাষা কৰাটোয়ে টান।
মৰমৰ পৰিভাষা content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Jul 01, 2021
In Writing
It was a tiring day as Mr. Pawar had to walk up and down in the stairs of the Allahabad bank to get his matured money which had been kept as fixed deposit since 5 years. It was his father’s money fixed by his mother nominating him. As his mother had died last year so he came to take the matured money which he would use in his new business. He had been visiting the bank since the last week. The banker gave him many unnecessary reasons to come day after day. But at last a nice gentleman helped him. The man talked to the manager about Mr. Pawar's fixed deposit and that day he would finally get his money. As usual the town was full with the people doing their own work. Everyday when Mr. Pawar used to visit the bank, waiting outside the building he noticed chaotic situation of people coming-going to their work. The college’s students were coming to buy books; print their important documents or sometimes to take photocopy. The shopkeepers were waiting in the hope for their customers to buy things. The cobblers were polishing or stitching the shoes of the officers . The tea stalls were making a refreshing tea for the day with some cakes and biscuits in the containers. Even if the whole surrounding was messed up with the vehicles horns, sounds of speakers, whistle of traffic police to control the traffic jam, the sellers opening a small stall in the footpath were also shouting louder to make people hear their words clearly. But Mr. Pawar used to feel deep for the beggars who are very helpless for their situation. They can’t even do anything to support themselves. And casually people used to avoid these beggars or some just give coins. Outside the bank there were many beggars on the road, on the stairs the blind young boy used to sing to earn something to support himself this world of greed; on the footpath there was an old man sitting attached with the wall taking a dirty old plate and asking some money for help; one handicapped with leg walking with a stick in support but in the right corner of the building (the place was little far and there was no much rush and shops) a man was sitting paralyzed with a girl may be his daughter supporting him. She used to ask money from the passers of the road but didn’t get much as like the other beggars. Mr. Pawar would give at least Rs 10 to the girl whenever he can and talk to the girl. Most of the night she used to sleep in empty stomach. The money she used to get fill the belly of only one person but her father needed the operation as soon as possible. A car hit and left him there on the spot. He had lost much of the blood and even couldn’t go through any major operation so he was paralyzed for last six months. Mr. Pawar felt sad for the man. He remembered how his father died in the accident. Even if they had money doctors couldn’t do anything and with that guilt his mother also passed away after few years. By that it was 12 pm when the bank manager came, he had already signed the form and the cashier was to give him the money. He would get Rs 2 lakhs from the bank. He came out of the bank and gave the girl Rs 50,000 and told to get her father the operations. He came to home and said everything to his family about the girl and her father, the money that he gave to the girl for the operation. and then the days went by. After few months of the business Mr. Pawar got lot of profit. He thought that he would help the girl with some more money again but when he went to the bank to see the girl he didn’t find her. He asked the tea stall man about the girl and her father that used to sit in the right corner of the building. The stall man said there was no one in that place since one year when a man and his daughter died in the accident. He was shocked to listen that. The stall man continued that a beggar and his daughter had an accident in this road and died at the spot. Mr. Pawar was stunned for some time and can't believe that he saw them whenever he used to visit the bank but never knew the truth. He silently went to the home and spent a some days in isolation. And at last he decided that he would give 30% interest of his business to the charity of a government hospital whenever any accident case is reported.
humanity content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Jun 14, 2021
In Writing
Oh dear moon! Can I ever catch you? Sleeping in pavement, I walk upon you. The chief demands for money I simply watch playing symphony, Sometimes, red-bulb vehicle pass, without seeing us. One or two gives ₹ tips to bring smile on lips. Fortunately by chance, A correspondent capture us in camera To visualize our innocent drama, Ask why there are rashes under the feet? What cause this meet? Does anyone ill- treat us? Never to be seen, Adieu by passing bus. Every day little ones pass in uniform I stare at them with no circumstances to be transformed Since ages, period of life alike the soft embryo decay within itself as nourishing element hinder by, so, I walk upon moon in my dreamy night. THE SAD REALITY OF THE SOCIETY:- #CHILDLABOUR!
oh dear moon!!! content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Jun 11, 2021
In Writing
Suddenly, the bike has hit Krishnapiya and she is lying in the road. Everyone surrounds to see the lying body but no one helps. Tears come out of her eyes while she is taking her last breathe. Moments are flowing in her eyes. It was a showery night when she saw him in the stage playing flute. His long hairs were just fluctuating as the way he changed his flute tune. His eyes clearly watched his team that should give their best in every beat. It was a night of love that never ended for her. In beam of moonlight; in the droplets of every monsoon; in the theory of equations she had waited for him. He promised her to meet on 25th of the June which had changed from days to months to years and many more…….. At last, her austerity came to end when he called her. The thread of love began to grow when they spend time together in the streets of the town, in the rehearsals of the programmes; with the family members in the home. One day, she said looking at his eyes, “I can’t live without you”. He hugged and kissed her forehead saying I won’t leave you any day….. Love for them was like that every love story had. Time passed by and everything was fine until a day when someone rang her up and said her to be happy with him and love him as whole as the universe. It was traumatic breakdown for her that she tried to find out who she was to call but could not do anything. That day she went to his home, unfortunately only she was not called in that celebration. She got to know the event from that girl who called her again. Everyone was so shocked to see her, trying to ignore her. She rang him many times to come and meet her but he did not response. He didn’t come to see her even for the last time. That girl was also present there very well dressed like a bride. It was his ring ceremony with that girl. She just said that girl to make him happy and love him as whole as the universe. Krishnapiya went away rubbing her tears. He called her while she was crossing the road and a bike hit her. Her phone felt down and stopped ringing as her breathes stopped then. She remembered her last words to him, "I can't live without you"
last meet content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Jun 07, 2021
In Writing
It was a pleasant rainy morning that day when I woke up early taking a glass of water after Yoga I was trying to convinced myself to be happy just walking towards the varandah I took the chair and set down, started looking at the flowers, green leaves and the boundary walls I kept wandering, then I saw the tall coconut trees of my neighbor. I kept starring at them for a moment. I noticed the blowing clouds saying me to cheer up like them. The way they move around; passing over distant sea, huge mountains, and valley plains; stop somewhere or become snail sometimes according to time and situation giving rainfalls of various types. Like orographic in mountains; convectional in plains or sometimes only drizzles. Thinking about all that, it started drizzling and I started starring at the clouds again that reminded me the sweetness of soliditary. The next moment something poked up in my mind, the patches of clouds move all alone that led to me to think its all OKAY sometimes to be alone in this materialistic world where everyone can’t be with you all the time. Every person needs space and so as you. When I had accepted my loneliness, I got dissolve in the nature; it mesmerized me into the nature; it intimated me into the nature's deep core. I could feel the soft winds touching my soul; I could see the tiny orche shine coming behind the clouds; I could also hear the fluctuating coconut leaves telling me to dance with them; I could even enjoy my withered heart. I loved the time at that moment for making understand the situations in the new perspectives; for knowing the nature that gives us enormous pleasure when u such for it...……. & Live on those moments which ultimately brings the real peace of mind; Eventually, we all need to devote ourselves in the nature. And here, this reminded me of a poem which I had read in class 9 The lake lsle of Innisfree - by William Butler Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet’s wings. I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart’s core. now I understand the real love, peace, care and their value in our life..............
that morning content media
Author of the Month
Author of the Month
Jun 04, 2021
In Writing
Chapter- 6. Love after life Shaboni woke up in the hospital. She was weak and the nurse called the doctor. The doctor came and said, “You were senseless for more than 2 weeks and your husband has gone through several operation even with the heart transplant. He has not come to sense till now. You will be fine and can walk when you feel better. You can talk with your family members now.” She replied, “Yes…..” Her mother-in-law rubbed her head and prayed that she had finally come to sense. Everyone was present there giving a warm smile. She asked, “Where is Inder?” The nurse nodded her head removed the curtain of her left side. It was Inder with bandages and stitches lying on the bed. Shaboni cried looking at him. The nurse put the curtain again. Her mother–in-law consoled her and said, “Be strong, only you can help him to recover soon. We were waiting for you to come to sense as soon as possible.” She stopped crying and replied, “I will help him. I love him a lot. I can’t let him go. I will help him.” “We love you both…..” her mother-in-law replied. Days passed by she could walked in the room but she was not discharged as she wanted to stay there until her husband come in sense. She used to sit beside his bed and pray to God; wait there if he would speak to her. She wanted to say him Sorry as she blamed herself for his this situation. “Yes why not……” Inder said but the car was hit and turned upside down Shaboni felt out of the car and………. Inder woke up and Shaboni was sitting beside him. She called the nurse and rang up her mother-in-laws. The doctor gave him an injection and he went to sleep again. The doctor was happy at least he came to sense for once after 1 month. “He will be fine now” said the doctor. Everyone came at the hospital. Shaboni was sitting beside him when he woke up again and tries to say her something. She went closed to him and he said “I love you…..” tears came out of her eyes. The nurse came and said him his condition. The doctor said him, “Take care of yourself and thank your wife for taking care of you. She made our work easily. She used to sit beside you and pray to God for your recover all the time. And also thank to the one who donated his heart at the right time. And you are alive.” “Can we know him or something about him?” she asked. “Sorry, we couldn’t as he said that he didn’t want to reveal his identity at the last moment.” “Okay fine then…….” Inder said. The doctor and the nurse left them alone. After sometimes Inder’s mother came and cried by looking at him. She kissed his head and blessed to get well soon. The doctor discharged them after 20 days and told to take rest for 1 month more. They went home and followed a very good schedule. Months passed by he could go to office and Shaboni could also help her mother-in-law in the household work. Later, they also restarted their business again. One fine night, Inder came and wanted sleep in her lap as like earlier. He said, " You wanted to say me something that day” “Don’t take the name of that day. Everything was fine but my last words..... I don’t wanna talk about it.” Shaboni replied in anger. “Bad things happen and it was not your fault and why are you blaming yourself for this? I know you regret for it but.....” Inder said. “But.... what bad things? Fault? Blame? Only this? I am the one responsible for this situation. If I wouldn’t have made the plan for going there then there would not be any such situation.” Shaboni said. “Leave everything now please. It have been many days now please..… for me” he requested. “Okay..….. Still I am sorry and I love you more now….. And I can’t live without you. After that day I feel like coming more close to you as like your heart always wants me.” She said. “Is it? Really?” he asked hugging her and said in her ears, “I love you more and more……. More than you…. And I will be always with you….” That night she was sure not to say him anything about her past and leave the memories of that orphanage. Years passed by, they had a boy child and named him “Jagdish”. He became their heartbeat. Everyone was happy in their life. The house became home with his coming. The boy grew up day by day. In nights, Inder used to narrate him bedtime stories. And Shaboni used to spend her whole day with him. One day Jagdish asked his mother, “Where is my Nani? From where did you come? How did you meet father? And........." she replied, “ And...... I will say you everything when you will eat and complete your lunch.” But Jagdish ran away . In this way they spent their life………. But one night Jagdish asked his father, “Can I go to met Nani? All my friends go to their Nani's place and spent time.... I too wanna go.” Inder said, “We will take you to other place where you can play…..” “No, No….. I wanna go there… say me something about that.” he said. “Okay… we will talked about it later…. tonight go to sleep. Good night. ” said Inder and went to Shaboni. He tried to say…..... She replied, “I know it would happen one day. No worries it’s fine to say him the truth. Let’s go to Madhya Pradesh…..” “Like this… like you have not talked to her after you left the place” Inder said. “And that’s why I want to go there and show Jagdish my home town….. Mrs. Mira would be happy to see us even though I have not talked with her these many years. I know her.” Shaboni said. They went to Madhya Pradesh next week. Jagdish was very excited to see his mother’s place. They reached orphanage and Shaboni entered after 8 years and was excited to see Mrs. Mira but unfortunately her photo was hanged with garland together with Himanshu in the wall. She was shocked to see that. Priya (the new caretaker) welcomed them and played with Jagdish. Everyone loved their presence. The children that had been kids were grown up now. She went to inside her room in front of the window and then she saw a diary which she gifted to Himanshu. In a curiosity when she turned back she saw Priya standing in front of her. Shaboni pointed the diary to Priya and asked, “That means he came…..” Priya replied, “Yes…..” “Then why you all didn’t ring me up? Why didn’t you say me?” Shaboni asked. Priya replied, “All I know is that Himanshu came on the day when you were sitting in the marriage hall and Mrs. Mira said him something and later she too left us…..” “And what happened to Himanshu then? Why didn’t he come to meet me up?” Shaboni asked. Priya replied looking down, “Read the diary…….” Suddenly Inder knocked the door and asked, “If I could come inside my ladies?” Shaboni hid the diary behind her and ribbed her tears. Priya replied, “Yes… why not..... it’s all yours.” But Shaboni said, “Can you leave us alone for sometimes? Please…..” Inder replied with strangeness, “Yes… why not you friends are meeting after so many years why not…….” He left the room. Shaboni said to Priya, “Say me what was the matter?” Priya replied, “He went to meet you in Delhi for the last time after donating everything he earned for from Dudai. He had been in Dubai for the many years before you got married to Inder. But we didn’t know what happen later and only that diary came from Delhi in a parcel……” Suddenly Inder called Shaboni again, Jagdish felt down while playing and was crying. She kept the diary and went to him. Priya followed her. At night after everyone slept, Inder went to the room and saw the diary. Actually, he had heard everything and so he wanted to know the truth that everyone was hiding from him so many years even his wife. He read the diary. “I went to meet Shaboni after 6 months she left but she was not there. She went to Shimla with her husband as told by the watchman. But I have waited there so that I could meet her for the last time but suddenly all their family members went to hospital. I too went there and shock to see Shaboni and her husband were lying on the stretchers. They had an accident. Both had to be operated. Shaboni was fine after being operated 5 hours. She was out of danger but her husband needed a heart to transplant. It was urgent and there was no donor. His blood group matches with mine. So I decided.... I said to doctor not to reveal my identity and send this diary back to the orphanage……… I couldn’t be with u but I loved you, I love u and now I will always be with you……………. Shannu Forgive me I have made you to wait for a long time………. Your Himangshu” Meanwhile Shaboni went to Priya’s room and asked her the reason of his dead. She was stunned to know that. At last Priya said, “Your husband is alive because of Himanshu and Himanshu is always with you…. All time…..” Shaboni was backed to her room where Inder was already sleeping in the bed. She silently slept beside, tears felt out from her eyes. Inder hugged her and said, “I am always with you……” She felt guilty whole night but didn’t say anything to him. Even Inder could feel her pain. Next day, they visited the tourist places Jagdish was happy and then Inder kneed down and proposed Shaboni in front of everyone. She hugged him and said, “I love you…..” “I love you more and more...... more than you Shannu...... even though my heart is not mine but it will be always with you……” said Inder. They went happily to Delhi....... with a new season of #love............
            is life too short to love??? content media

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