In the little warm place of my mother,
I'm safe and sound
No harsh no rush, I'm growing
Don't worry mother, I'm listening
See my movement, feel my heart beat
I'm happy in your pleasant environment.......
OH! degrading health after some day,
For some weakness!
Days later, the more unconsciousness she felt
treating won't be possible as the pandemic spread
you are too the one!
Can't be saved as none.......
Am I going to die???
No sense.....
Mother! it's paining
I can't breathe, I'm swallowing
I wanna see this world
Why did you do like that to me???
You're so selfish mother, I hate you......
I won't let you two go anywhere
I'm always here
with you and our baby
we'll be soon together....
I love you and I'll miss you the most......