The sound of inside,
The sound of inside,
It does not echo,
It is unheard,
The sound is deprived.
The sound of conch,
It purifies the surrounding,
It gives strength to heart,
But what about mind.
The inner sound,
Soon fossilize,
The inner sound,
Is suppressed.
People love to hear,
The sound of conch,
It gives energy,
And motivates for new launch.
The conch sound,
Occurs by the force of humans,
But the same human force,
Suppresses the deprived.
The conch sound is devotional,
The human sound is emotional,
As the divine sound,
Is heard by all,
The deprived sound,
Also needs to be heard by all.
The high spiritual sound of conch,
Can't be compared or replaced,
But the sound of human,
Also has a destined place.
As we respect the sound of conch,
We need to respect the deprived human voice,
The suppressed human voice needs to be supported,
As people feel glad to hear the conch sound,
People must also feel glad after helping the deprived voice,
After all serving humanity,
Is the main way gaining purity and spirituality.