Not the Khan who'd charm you with his looks. Not the Khan who'd fill the halls with remakes and sequels. Not the Khan of your dreams. Not the Khan you'd keep in your prayers.
Irrfan Khan. The Khan of another kind. The Khan who'd never disappoint you. The Khan who'd charm you with what he's supposed to, acting. The Khan who'd fill the halls with what he's supposed to, content. He's the Khan of your reality. And that reality has hit you hard today, hasn't it? You wish you prayed for his life when it mattered, not for the peace of his soul which is lost. You wish you celebrated him more while he was around. You wish you appreciated him more when you had the time, or perhaps when he had it. You didn't know he was worth his name, KHAN, until LATE is put before it.
Lovely piece.
Rest assured, I would keep him in my prayers! Lol