Our soul live inside us.
We are just bodies.
Our bodies are dependant upon the soul,
unlike the soul which is independant of our bodies.
Our soul has a bigger purpose and so they roam;
a reason why they are free.
The souls never age unlike the bodies;
that form, grow and decay...
Souls are immortal and has been living
from a time immemorial...
Our bodies are nothing more than
mere fragile frames of flesh, blood and bones.
What is a body without the soul!
A soul is untamed, unmoved by time and space,
of unknown origin and always living.
Souls can recognize each other
in a realm where they breathe.
Humans who talk about 'soul connection',
Little do they know that,
the souls had never built a connection
in a time period, we live in.
These connections are age-old and predetermined.
It only needs a rush of awakening of the soul in us,
to know...
why we are asked to find our purpose in life,
to understand...
why do we feel connected with a few
and not with everybody,
and sometimes to perhaps realise...
why are we created for.
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.
December 4, 2022.