Long many years ago,
Inside the neo natal ICU,
Sleeping calmly in a tiny basket,
That was the first glimse of you.
A bright blue light,
All over your body.
And the doctors proclaimed-
"It's a medical emergency.
The mother is fine,
But the baby is blue.
And so we have put her on phototherapy,
A treatment that is new".
Those sixty hours,
I prayed to every possible God.
Kept checking with the doctors,
Though I knew, something was odd.
Then you left us all alone.
Though you fought bravely till the end.
Initial shock followed by depression,
A pain I could never comprehend.
You would have been a teen today,
A bright life would have greeted you.
But none of these matter now,
As I drag my life through.
How did I cope they ask.
I had no zeal to live on to be honest,
Just found solace in mundane office tasks.
Often I hallucinate of you growing up, With each passing day.
A false nostalgia to ruminate on,
And I know it is wrong,
Yet that's the only cure,
To keep me sane and strong.
(c) Anurag Talukdar
Heartbreaking 💔