It's the little things that make the biggest memories.
How your sheepish smile made you look when you were shy
and when you laughed out loud uncontrollably till your stomach hurt,
Your face when you were asleep
and your morning face when you woke,
I have those snaps saved in my memory I can't delete.
Your drunken voice in the playful mood of yours,
your shaky voice when you broke down in tears,
And you sneezed quite funnily whether you agree or not,
I have them recorded in my memory like songs.
Your signature ways,
the way you held my arm when we walked,
and the way you slept on it,
And your massage skills so bad,
I have the touches fit in my nervous system.
I could play you like a movie in my mind.
These little things,
etched, carved and fixed in my memories in a way,
probably would take permanent memory loss to eradicate.