It was a tiring day as Mr. Pawar had to walk up and down in the stairs of the Allahabad bank to get his matured money which had been kept as fixed deposit since 5 years. It was his father’s money fixed by his mother nominating him. As his mother had died last year so he came to take the matured money which he would use in his new business. He had been visiting the bank since the last week. The banker gave him many unnecessary reasons to come day after day. But at last a nice gentleman helped him. The man talked to the manager about Mr. Pawar's fixed deposit and that day he would finally get his money.
As usual the town was full with the people doing their own work. Everyday when Mr. Pawar used to visit the bank, waiting outside the building he noticed chaotic situation of people coming-going to their work. The college’s students were coming to buy books; print their important documents or sometimes to take photocopy. The shopkeepers were waiting in the hope for their customers to buy things. The cobblers were polishing or stitching the shoes of the officers . The tea stalls were making a refreshing tea for the day with some cakes and biscuits in the containers. Even if the whole surrounding was messed up with the vehicles horns, sounds of speakers, whistle of traffic police to control the traffic jam, the sellers opening a small stall in the footpath were also shouting louder to make people hear their words clearly.
But Mr. Pawar used to feel deep for the beggars who are very helpless for their situation. They can’t even do anything to support themselves. And casually people used to avoid these beggars or some just give coins. Outside the bank there were many beggars on the road, on the stairs the blind young boy used to sing to earn something to support himself this world of greed; on the footpath there was an old man sitting attached with the wall taking a dirty old plate and asking some money for help; one handicapped with leg walking with a stick in support but in the right corner of the building (the place was little far and there was no much rush and shops) a man was sitting paralyzed with a girl may be his daughter supporting him. She used to ask money from the passers of the road but didn’t get much as like the other beggars. Mr. Pawar would give at least Rs 10 to the girl whenever he can and talk to the girl. Most of the night she used to sleep in empty stomach. The money she used to get fill the belly of only one person but her father needed the operation as soon as possible. A car hit and left him there on the spot. He had lost much of the blood and even couldn’t go through any major operation so he was paralyzed for last six months. Mr. Pawar felt sad for the man. He remembered how his father died in the accident. Even if they had money doctors couldn’t do anything and with that guilt his mother also passed away after few years.
By that it was 12 pm when the bank manager came, he had already signed the form and the cashier was to give him the money. He would get Rs 2 lakhs from the bank. He came out of the bank and gave the girl Rs 50,000 and told to get her father the operations. He came to home and said everything to his family about the girl and her father, the money that he gave to the girl for the operation. and then the days went by. After few months of the business Mr. Pawar got lot of profit. He thought that he would help the girl with some more money again but when he went to the bank to see the girl he didn’t find her. He asked the tea stall man about the girl and her father that used to sit in the right corner of the building. The stall man said there was no one in that place since one year when a man and his daughter died in the accident. He was shocked to listen that. The stall man continued that a beggar and his daughter had an accident in this road and died at the spot. Mr. Pawar was stunned for some time and can't believe that he saw them whenever he used to visit the bank but never knew the truth. He silently went to the home and spent a some days in isolation. And at last he decided that he would give 30% interest of his business to the charity of a government hospital whenever any accident case is reported.