When I die, do not cry
For only then will I find true happiness.
When you see my cold dead body, do not be sad.
Find satisfaction knowing that I'll no longer be mine.
I'll go above worldy pleasures.
When I die, do not dress me in white.
Bury me in colours, as bright as the sun.
Remember me as a poet,
Give me a farewell, aesthetic.
My life,
In mere words.
Spent in a false hope,
A hope to seek what was never mine.
Only to realize it will wait for me in the end,
My soul would be watching you
For you would come to me only in the end,
When I would want nothing more of this world,
So hopeless, so lonely.
हम जब हैं, तब हमारी कदर नहीं,
हम जब ना रहे, तब तुम्हारी फिकर हमें चाहिए नहीं।
भूल ना पाओ, इसी पहेली हूं में,
कवि हूं मैं।
Neha Bharali 🌻
(Remember me when I die)