Finally after his 50 text messages, 35 calls and 20 letters she decided to meet him along with her 3 years old kid.
Meanwhile, when she was stepping out, her mother said,
"I feel you must really think of him once. I know it has been 7 years but he is still waiting for you..."
She nodded and reached the garden.
He was waiting for her with an adorable smile.
Suddenly, her kid tumbled while running..
He picked him up so quickly even much before she could reach there..
He kissed his forehead, patted his knees, hugged him and asked, "Are you alright my boy?"
And she realised that her 3 years old kid again got his "daddy"
And a widow was again going to get married.
After all, he used to love her since the school days.
For some people,
Feelings remains unchanged!
~ Kaynat Sultana Qureshi
#feeling #remain #unchanged #love #life #partner