This morning, around 7, I was sitting by my porch...
Gazing at those Salmon pink Poppies and the Sun did scorch..
Passed by, a silvery Omni van with a horn so home....
The same place it parked, and then zapped out leaving bubbled memories like foam...
Memories of me being in that van, a few years back, for my school~
The daily morning hassle, and yelling at my brother "Hurry up you fool"
On the way revising previous lessons, chuckling with my juniors I arrived!
Heavy backpack, hand occupied with projects through 300 stairs I thrived!
Captainship, my morning speech, group projects and teachers to teach,
Dominoed giggles, those canteen struggles and amazed how teachers used to preach!!
Gosh those days, like an old radio plays and stirring down pure nostalgia,
Without my school, my portrayal would be just like a patient with analgia...
My identity of who I am now, what do I stand for and believe...
Education has allowed me to thrust myself in this labyrinthine society with relief ...
Knowledge has broadened me up and taught me to withstand antiquated
Because, still today, for a girl child, there persists a thousand asymmetries!
Yet a striking of 26% of girls in India marry before eighteen!!
Ladened with burden to serve this society so mean!
"Why she needs to go to school? " Her ultimate aim is to marry"
"Ladki to parayi dhan hoti hai" is still heard, Oh gosh it's scary...
And her wings are chopped off of before she even begins to fly...
And making perfect circles in those fuming kitchens her life becomes a lie!
Her tongue is alive slaughtered, now she can even barely raise a voice
And in this knotty world, her opinions become merely some noise...
So to untangle these preposterous prejudices, her voice needs to be heard.
To make her independent and curb believes so absurd.
Educate the girl child; actually educate the child.
Because a father pays for dowry rather than for books, making her forever riled!
I hope our generation works for the change.
A great step to a community of writers. You indeed make us feel your presence! Keep it up, dear.