The discovery of an opposable thumb,
Turned organic chemistry on its head.
From what seems like the fishes tale,
A human kind was bred,
Into a name sake for threat.
Neurons set to work
Firing stones and fields afar.
Firing further into space
Houses of metal,
And few other plates.
The world is our playground
For less love and more
Human terror.
Or was it simply
Nature's error?
Saddled on scientific enquiry,
They point fingers at each other.
We watch in amusement,
People, assuming they are
We bolt and scamper
And hurry and dash
Against the time
Sometimes, judgement and
Mortal fear rash.
We kill each other,destroy the light
To revel in power and ultimate rage
There's one word only
For how we age,
Loss and agony is our cage.
Fear this word, obliterate it-
This inhuman base
Burning us are matters of
You Race with your destiny
You Race with your karma
You Race against patience
Against the man-made drama
You Race.
Divided and bitter
Coexisting in fear
Eight billion people,
Million still face
Discrimination of race.
A man-made word
In a man made world
Leaving us in whorls
In a seaful of trolls.
Unhinge and unlock
Our fate from this
Shocking lair
Of Race and racism and
Escape this great big bear.