I heard you humming a new song
In some language
which to me was unknown
It's tune, foreign to me
Pitch so high,
my ears couldn't stand
I didn't sway my head along
But you, unbothered, went on,
All I could tell,
It was not our song
In our dinner table,
it didn't belong.
Next morning in the kitchen
Waking up early as you always did
Unlike me, I slept in,
with questions and thoughts vivid.
The breakfast you made
No longer tasted the same.
New herbs and flavours discovered
With no certain measure, you've sprinkled
My tongue couldn't taste,
My full bowl went to a waste.
Some allergy it had triggered
With extreme disgust,
I spitted it out.
Plants in the balcony, withered
Added no colour,
produced no flower,
Without your care and mine,
Some have already died.
The knot that tied us together
Slowly being undone,
Now a different thread
Attached to our arms,
With strength, pulling us apart.
If it is just you and me,
If it is just our just our story,
Why is it then,
I still have to worry?
If equation is in balance,
Why do I feel,
A different variable's presence?
Lovely thoughts.
Beautiful composition.
Well you really are a poetess as I had said before
I hope you keep showering this website with such beautiful poems more and more
From someone ,
Whom your writings made awestruck and your writing
Whom he now adores
Keep writing 🙌
Healthy Bonding really is necessary